Raffael 1483 - 1520
1483 - 1520

Christof Thoenes

EAN: 9783822822012 (ISBN: 3-8228-2201-9)
96 Seiten, paperback, 19 x 23cm, Mai, 2005

EUR 6,99
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Nicht nur wegen der weltberühmten Stanzen in den Vatikanischen Museen gehört Raffael zu den bedeutendsten Künstlern des Abendlands; Raffael gilt als der Klassiker der neuzeitlichen Kunst. Ein für allemal scheint Raffael festgelegt zu haben, wie ein Mensch auszusehen habe ... "Raffaels handwerkliche Meisterschaft ist die eines Realisten ..." (aus der Einleitung). Und Raffael lebt in spannender Zeit, in Renaissance, in Reform und Reformation ... - Dieses schmale Bändchen bietet elementare Zugänge zu Raffael in kurzen, präzisen Texten und im Vergleich zum günstigen Preis hervorragenden Bildreproduktionen. Register fehlen allerdings und das Inhaltsverzeichnis ist vergleichsweise undifferenziert, aber darüber darf gelassen hinweggesehen werden ...

Jens Walter, lehrerbibliothek.de
Classic grace and human grandeur

Influenced by his contemporaries Michelangelo and Leonardo, Raphael Santi (1483-1520) became, in his own right, one of the most important artists of the High Renaissance. Though Raphael painted many important works in his Florence period, including his famous Madonnas, it was his mature work in Rome that cemented his place in history, most notably the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican featuring his School of Athens and Triumph of Religion murals. This overview traces the life’s work of this Renaissance master who achieved the height of greatness in only two decades of creation and whose influential work paved the way for the Mannerist and Baroque movements.

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Available in over 20 languages, TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series offers budget-minded readers quality books on the greatest artists of all time. The neat, slick format and nice price tag make Basic Art books fun to collect.

Basic Art titles feature:
• detailed chronological summary of the artist’s life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
• over 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions
• concise biography

The author: Christof Thoenes studied art history in Berlin and Pavia before completing his doctorate in Berlin. Thoenes lives in Rome, where for many years he has worked for the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institute), and is honorary professor in Hamburg. He has contributed to numerous publications on Italian art, particularly on architecture and architectural theory of the 15th to 18th centuries.
6 Zugänge zu einem Klassiker

12 Lehrzeit und frühe Meisterschaft

20 Raffael in Florenz

28 Die Madonna

36 Maler im Vatikan

58 Die großen Altäre

68 Der Mäzen: Agostino Chigi

76 Porträts

88 Epilog: „Jene guten antiken Gebäude"

94 Chronologie