Teenagers' Perspectives on the Role of Religion in their Lives, Schools and Societies A European Quantitative Study
Teenagers' Perspectives on the Role of Religion in their Lives, Schools and Societies
A European Quantitative Study

Pille Valk, Gerdien Bertram-Troost, Markus Friederici, Céline Béraud (Hrsg.)

EAN: 9783830921189 (ISBN: 3-8309-2118-7)
448 Seiten, paperback, 17 x 24cm, 2009

EUR 34,90
alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Religion is on the European agenda again. The secularisation paradigm has lost its explanatory power and the newly coined term ‘post-secularism’ is used to describe the realisation that in the current social transformation, religion cannot be ignored any longer.

The quantitative study presented in this book is part of the research effort by the REDCo project. REDCo is the abbreviation for "Religion in Education. A contribution to Dialogue or a Factor of Conflict in Transforming Societies of European Countries." The project brought together nine research teams from eight European countries: England, Estonia, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Russia and Spain. The research involved interdisciplinary cooperation between specialists in the different academic fields of education, religious education, sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, theology and religious studies.

The book offers valuable interpretations and inspirations on the question how the students in the 14 – 16 year age group in Europe see the (ir)relevance of religions for dialogue and conflict in their daily lives, in the school environment, and in society as a whole.

The young respondents of the quantitative study are clearly aware that the diversity of religious and non-religious worldviews is the reality of the European contexts they have to manage within. Most of them are convinced that religion must be addressed in schools, as it is too important as factor in social life, and for the coexistence of people from different cultural and religious backgrounds throughout Europe, to be ignored.
Welche Rolle spielt Religion im Globalisierungszeitalter im Leben, in der ERziehung und in der Gesellschaft von Jugendlichen? Dieser englischsprachige Band bietet dsbzgl. eine quantitative europäische Studie: Wie sehen 14-16 jährige Europäer die (Ir)Relevanz von Religion für ihr tägliches Leben, die Schule und die Gesellschaft als Ganze? Das 21. Jhdt. entwickelt sich zum Jahrhundert der definitiven Globalisierung und Pluralisierung; Multikulturalität und Interreligiosität werden damit zum gesellschaftlichen Standard. Damit stehen auch bisherige Strategien und Konzeptionen religiöser Bildung und Erziehung auf dem Prüfstand. Die Vielfalt der Religionen stellt vor neue pädagogische Herausforderungen.

Dieter Bach, lehrerbibliothek.de
Religious Diversity and Education in Europe
Cok Bakker, Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Robert Jackson, Geir Skeie, Wolfram Weisse

Globalisation and plurality are influencing all areas of education, including religious education. The inter-cultural and multi-religious situation in Europe demands a re-evaluation of the existing educational systems in particular countries as well as new thinking at the broader European level. This new book series is committed to the investigation and reflection on the changing role of religion and education in Europe. Contributions will evaluate the situation, reflect on fundamental issues and develop perspectives for better policy making and pedagogy, especially in relation to practice in the classroom. The publishing policy of the series is to focus on the importance of strengthening pluralist democracies through stimulating the development of active citizenship and fostering greater mutual understanding through intercultural education. It pays special attentions to the educational challenges of religious diversity and conflicting value systems in schools and in society in general. Religious Diversity and Education in Europe is produced by two European research groups, in which scholars are engaged in empirical and theoretical research on aspects of religion and education in relation to intercultural issues: * ENRECA: The European Network for Religious Education in Europe through Contextual Approaches * REDCo: Religion in Education. A contribution to Dialogue or a factor of Conflict in transforming societies of European Countries The series is aimed at teachers, researchers and policy makers. The series is committed to involving practitioners in the research process and includes books by teachers and teacher educators who are engaged in research as well as academics from various relevant fields, professional researchers and PhD students. It is open to authors committed to these issues, and it includes English and German speaking monographs as well as edited collections of papers. Book proposals should be directed to one of the editors or to the publisher.
Wolfram Weisse
Quantitative Study in the Context of the REDCo Project - a Foreword 9

Part I: Framework of the Survey

Markus Friederici
From the Research Question to the Sampling 13

Celine Beraud
Who to Survey? Considerations on Sampling 23

Gerdien Bertram-Troost & Siebren Miedema
Semantic Differences in European Research Cooperation from
a Methodological and Theoretical Perspective - Translation and Terminology 29

Pille Volk
The Process of the Quantitative Study 41

Part II: Contextual Analyses

Ursula McKenna, Sean Neill & Robert Jackson
Personal Worldviews, Dialogue and Tolerance - Students' Views on Religious Education in England 49

Pille Valk
English Religious Education through Estonian Eyes 71

Ina ter Avest & Cok Bakker
Response to the English National Report 74

Olga Schihalejev
Options beside 'and no Religion too' — Perspectives of Estonian Youth 79

Fedor Kozyrev
How Different after the Shared Fast? Russian and Estonian Youth Views about Religion 121

Robert Jackson & Sean Neill
Commentary on 'Options beside and 'no Religion too' - Perspectives of Estonian Youth' 127

Celine Beraud, Berengere Massignon, Severine Mathieu & Jean-Paul Willaime
The School - an Appropriate Institution in France for Acquiring Knowledge
on Religious Diversity and Experiencing it Firsthand? 131

F. Javier Rosón Lorente
Two Sides of the Coin - French and Spanish Approaches to Religion in the School 164

Marie von der Lippe
The French Situation from a Norwegian Point of View 167

Dan-Paul Jozsa, Thorsten Knauth & Wolfram Weisse
Religion in School - a Comparative Study of Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia 173

Geir Skeie
'Religion in School - a Comparative Study of Hamburg and
North Rhine-Westphalia'. Commenting Chapter from a Norwegian Perspective 212

Ina ter Avest & Cok Bakker
Response to the German National Report on the REDCo Questionnaire 216

Gerdien Bertram-Troost, Siebren Miedema, Ina ter Avest & Cok Bakker
Dutch Pupils' Views on Religion in School and Society — Report on a Quantitative Research 221

Sean Neill
Commentary on 'Dutch Pupils' Views on Religion in School and Society:
Report on a Quantitative Research' 261

Dan-Paul Jozsa, Thorsten Knauth & Wolfram Weisse
Views of Students on Religion in Education in the Netherlands -
Perspectives from Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia 264

Geir Skeie & Marie von der Lippe
Does Religion Matter to Young People in Norwegian Schools? 269

Jean-Paul Willaime
French Views on the Results of the Norwegian Survey 302

Dan-Paul Jozsa, Thorsten Knauth & Wolfram Weisse
Teenagers, Religions and Schools in Norway - Comments from a German Perspective 306

Fedor Kozyrev & Pille Volk
Saint-Petersburg Students' Views about Religion in Education - Results of the Quantitative Survey 311

Olga Schihalejev
Comments on Russia from an Estonian Perspective 350

F. Javier Rosón Lorente
Schooling and Religion - some References to the Russian and Spanish Contexts 354

F. Javier Rosön Lorente & Aurora Alvarez Veinguer
Spanish Youth Pacing Religious Diversity at School - Findings from a Quantitative Study 357

Celine Beraud
The French Viewpoint on the Spanish Report 389

Vladimir Fedorov
The Findings of the REDCo Project in Spain äs Read by a Russian Researcher 392

Part III: Europcan comparison

Celine Beraud
The Role of Religion in Students' Lives andtheir Surroundings 397

Gerdien Bertram-Troost
How do European Pupils See Religion in School? 409

Pille Valk
How do European Students see the Impact of Religion in Society? 423

Annexe: Questionnaire (English Version) 437

List of Authors 447