Andrea Palladio 1508-1580
Architekt zwischen Renaissance und Barock
Sämtliche Bauwerke
Manfred Wundram, Thomas Pape
EAN: 9783822821077 (ISBN: 3-8228-2107-1)
248 Seiten, hardcover, 21 x 25cm, April, 2004
EUR 14,99 alle Angaben ohne Gewähr
Andrea Palladio aus Vicenza gilt als DER Architekt zwischen Renaissance und Barock. Wer kennt nicht die berühmte „Villa Rotonda“? Hier werden alle Villen, Palazzi, Tempel, Theater und Kirchengebäude Palladios zwischen Verona, Venedig und Udine in hervorragender Bildqualität und mit gelungenem Beitext incl. Grund- und Querschnitten dargestellt. – Auch im Preis-Leistungsverhältnis angemessen. Der Band sollte bei Klassenfahrten nach Norditalien berücksichtigt werden.
Thomas Bernhard für lehrerbibliothek.de
No other architect in the history of Western art has had an influence so spontaneous and yet so enduring as Andrea Palladio. Palladianism broke through all cultural stylistic barriers. It spread not only throughout the Neo-Latin nations but held Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the countries of Eastern Europe in its sway and formed the lineaments of English architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Palladio lived in an age which was extremely exciting for the historical development of architecture and his work was an important factor in the evolution from Renaissance to Baroque. This volume offers a thorough introduction to the architecture of Palladio and includes all works which researchers have attributed to him.
The authors:
Manfred Wundram, born in 1925, is professor of medieval and modern art history at the Ruhr-University of Bochum. He has gained worldwide recognition with numerous publications on 14th to 16th century art and is known to the wider public for his general accounts of Renaissance art. Thomas Pape was born in Dortmund in 1963. He studied art history, history and German literature and philology at the Ruhr-University of Bochum. Born in Treviso in 1942, Paolo Marton trained as a bookseller. He has devoted himself to photography since 1977 and has a number of successful publications to his name, including a book of photographs of Rome and the villas of Veneto. Marton works for a number of magazines, and several public exhibitions have been held of his photography.
English: 3-8228-3200-6 (April 2004)
French: 3-8228-2109-8 (April 2004)
German: 3-8228-2107-1 (April 2004)
Italian: 3-8228-2110-1 (April 2004)
Portuguese: 3-8228-3202-2 (April 2004)
Spanish: 3-8228-2108-X (April 2004)
Andrea Palladio
Architekt zwischen Renaissance und Barock 6
Villa Godi 10
Villa Piovene 20
Villa Forni-Cerato 26
Villa Gazotti 32
Villa Pisani (Vicenza) 34
Palazzo und
Villa Thiene 40
VillaSaraceno 54
Villa Poiana 58
Palazzo della Ragione 64
Palazzo Iseppo Porto 74
Palazzo Chiericati 78
VillaCornaro 88
Villa Pisani (Montagnana) 98
Villa Chiericati 102
Palazzo Antonini 106
VillaBadoer 112
Villa Barbaro 118
VillaFoscari 134
Santa Maria della Caritä 146
San Giorgio Maggiore 148
II Redentore 156
Villa Emo 164
Palazzo Valmarana 176
Palazzo Schio 184
La Rotonda 186
Villa Sarego 202
San Francesco della Vigna 210
Palazzo Barbarano 212
Loggia del Capitaniato 216
Palazzo Porto-Breganze 222
LeZitelle 224
Teatro Olimpico 226
Tempietto Barbaro 234
Nachwirkung 239
Bibliographie 245
Lageplan der Werke 246
Fachbegriffe 248