21st Century Retro Mad Men and 1960s America in Film and Television
21st Century Retro
Mad Men and 1960s America in Film and Television

Debarchana Baruah

EAN: 9783837657210 (ISBN: 3-8376-5721-3)
246 Seiten, paperback, 15 x 23cm, April, 2021

EUR 42,00
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Numerous contemporary televisual productions revisit the past but direct their energies towards history's non-events and anti-heroic subjectivities. Debarchana Baruah offers a vocabulary to discuss these, using Mad Men as a primary case study and supplementing the analysis with other examples from the US and around the world. She takes a fundamentally interdisciplinary approach to studying film and television, drawing from history, memory, and nostalgia discourses, and layering them with theories of intertextuality, paratexts, and actor-networks. The book's compositions style invites discussions from scholars of various fields, as well as those who are simply fans of history or of Mad Men.

Debarchana Baruah is a cultural theorist at the American Studies department, University of Tübingen. She completed her doctoral studies at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg University and received her B.A., M.A., and M.Phil. degrees in English Literature from the University of Delhi. She is interested in US popular cultures, film and television, memory cultures, food cultures, and immigration histories.
Diese englisch-sprachige Medien-Untersuchung stellt am Beispiel der US-amerikanischen Fernsehserie "Mad Men", die von 2007-2015 in Episoden ausgestrahlt wurde (in Deutschland ab 2009 im Pay-TV-Seriensender FOX), die Frage, warum und inwiefern sich gegenwärtige Fernsehproduktionen der jüngeren Vergangenheit zuwenden (Mad Men spielt in den 1960er Jahren). So entsteht Erinnerungskultur durch Fernsehen. Im Mittelpunkt der Serie steht eine fiktive New Yorker Werbeagentur in den 1960er Jahren; im Titel ist ein Wortspiel enthalten: ad-Men sind Werbefachleute, daraus wird Mad Men (Verrückte). Im Mittelpunkt steht der ehrgeizige Werbefachmann Don Draper, ein kettenrauchender Frauenheld mit dunkler Vergangenheit. Die Serie sucht das Lebensgefühl und die Ästhetik der 1960er Jahre detailgenau wiederzugeben, die Handlung ist eng in den sozialen und kulturellen Kontext der Zeit eingebettet (Lebensstil, traditionelle Geschlechterrollen, wirtschaftlicher Aufschwung, Fortschrittsgläubigkeit etc.).

Dieter Bach, lehrerbibliothek.de
Acknowledgements 11

Introduction 13

The Irreverent 13
Temporal Relationality 15
Beginnings 17
21st Century Retro 21
Retro’s critics 22
Retro’s Proponents 23
Reorienting Retro 24
Mad Men 26
Layout 28

Part I

Chapter 1: Retro 37

Post-Pinochet Retros 37
Identifying Retros 41
Post-Gaullist Rétro 44
Mad Men as 21st Century American Retro 47
The Place That Cannot Be 52
A Disregard for Categories 59

Chapter 2: History in Retros 67

1968 67
History as Metaphor 73
Solemn Histories 77
Boomer Memories 81
Generations in Mad Men 86
History of Film and Television in Retros 90

Part II

Chapter 3: Television Memories and Intertextualities in Mad Men 99

Watching Television 99
Television in Mad Men 104
Memories in Serial Television 108
Pleasures of Retro’s Intertextualities 111
Mood 116
Counterpoint 121
Reframing Intertexts 124
Revival 127

Chapter 4: Mad Men and its Paratexts 133

“An Unsung Hero” 133
Special Features, Audio Commentaries, Fan-made Paratexts 137
Mad Men as Complex Retro 144
The Retro Aesthetic 153
Product to the Process 158

Part III

Chapter 5: The Mad Men Network 165

Mad Men’s Cultural Footprint 165
Tracing Action 171
Creating Value 175
Set as Actor 183

Conclusion 197

Recap 197
Expanding the Frame 201
Futures 204

List of Mad Men Episodes Cited 207

Works Cited 213