Choice Time How to Deepen Learning Through Inquiry and Play, PreK-2 Foreword by Kathy Collins
Choice Time
How to Deepen Learning Through Inquiry and Play, PreK-2

Foreword by Kathy Collins

Renée Dinnerstein

Heinemann Educ Books
EAN: 9780325077659 (ISBN: 0-325-07765-7)
164 Seiten, paperback, 19 x 24cm, Januar, 2016, auf Englisch

EUR 23,95
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In Choice Time, veteran early childhood educator Renée Dinnerstein gives you everything you need to set up and implement choice time in your classroom. She outlines the research and summarizes the different kinds of play, including why each is important, and then provides suggestions for choice time centers that promote inquiry-based, guided play.

In this sample, you'll learn about the many forms of play and how each is important to the development of play-based curriculum. Give your students choice time, and watch them engage in joyful, important, playful, age-appropriate work that will empower them to become lifelong learners.

About Renée Dinnerstein

Renée Dinnerstein has almost 50 years experience as an early childhood educator, teaching in both Italy and in the United States. She is a past member of the Teachers' College Reading and Writing Project Early Childhood Reading "think tank", and has worked as an Early Childhood Staff Developer in the New York City Department of Education, where she helped write the New York City Pre Kindergarten Standards. Visit her online at investigatingchoicetime.com.
Renée Dinnerstein aus New York fordert in ihrem Buch "Choice Time" andere Erzieherinnen und Erzieher bzw. Vorschullehrerinnen und -lehrer dazu auf, den (in den USA eher üblichen) verschulten Vorschulunterricht sein zu lassen und Kinder im Vorschulalter freier, also nach eigenen Neigungen und Interessen und mit vielen kreativen Materialien experimentieren, spielen und arbeiten zu lassen.

Dabei greift Dinnerstein auf einen großen Erfahrungschatz als langjährige Erzieherin in New York und Rom zurück. Ihr Buch bietet einen praxisorientierten Leitfaden, Kindertagestätten so zu gestalten, dass Kinder in verschiedenen Bereichen aktiv und kreativ werden können.
Dinnerstein unterscheidet verschiedene Arten des Spiels, die sie jeweils genauer definiert: Artistic, Sensory, Fine Motor, Rule-Based, Mastery, Construction, Make-Believe, Symbolic und Language Play. Die Kinder bevorzugen jeweils verschiedene Herangehensweisen und Spiele, was mit ihren Spezialbegabungen zusammenhängt. Die Autorin unterscheidet dabei verschiedene Begabungen: Linguistic, Musical, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Body-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic und Existential Intelligence.
Aufgabe der Erzieherinnen und Erzieher ist es einen Lerngegenstand (z. B. "Brücken") so aufzubereiten, dass Kinder sich jeweils an verschiedenen Stationen im Raum auf unterschiedliche Weise mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen können (z. B. in der Bauecke anders als in der Bücherecke oder am Maltisch). Mit dem praxisorientierten und mit vielen Beispielen und Bildern bestückten Praxisratgeber lassen sich die vorgestellten Projekte sehr gut nachvollziehen und im Vorschulalltag umsetzen. Während die Kinder agieren, haben die Erzieherinnen und Erzieher eher eine begleitende Funktion als Beobachter und Gesprächspartner der Kinder, denn letztere sollen möglichst selbstständig die zur Verfügung gestellten Materialien zum entdeckenden Lernen und Spielen nutzen. Weitere Aufgabe der Pädagogen ist den Kindern, alle Herangehensweisen ans Projekt vorzustellen und die Kinder hinterher zu bitten sich gegenseitig über eigene Erfahrungen und Entdeckungen zu berichten.
Sicherlich stellt diese Art von Vorschulunterricht neue Herausforderungen an die Erzieherinnen und Erzieher.Das Buch unterstützt daher die Pädagogen mit konkreten Ratschlägen im hinteren Teil des Buches, wie man auf problematische Situationen reagieren kann.

Dieses Buch ist für alle Erzieherinnen und Erzieher, aber auch für Grundschullehrerinnen und -lehrer eine Bereicherung und ein verlässlicher Ratgeber, wenn diese den Mut haben, Kinder in ihren spielerischen und explorativen Neigungen mehr Raum und Gelegenheit zu geben.
In Choice Time, Renée gives you everything you need to set up choice-time centers that promote inquiry-based, guided play in your classroom. Give your students choice time, and watch them engage in joyful, important, playful, age-appropriate work that will empower them to become lifelong learners.

"In her inspirational, well-researched book, Renée describes the kinds of learning opportunities that all parents want for their own children. Her accessible writing style makes it easy to envision the environment, teaching, and community she describes with such clarity you'll want to get started on her ideas tomorrow." Jennifer Serravallo

"How refreshing it is in a test-driven climate to read a book stressing the nurturing of imagination and empathy that comes from inquiry, play and children making choices." Deborah Meier

"The bottom line is when children are at play, they're not just playing, they're learning machines, and play is the engine that drives them." Renée Dinnerstein

How do you define play and choice time in early childhood classrooms? According to Renée Dinnerstein,"During choice time, children choose to play in a variety of centers that have been carefully designed and equipped to scaffold children's natural instinct for play."

In Choice Time, Renée gives you everything you need to set up choice-time centers that promote inquiry-based, guided play in your classroom. Renée summarizes the research, describing the different kinds of play and why they are important. Then she dives into the nitty gritty, providing:
- blueprints for six proven choice-time centers, with variations
- a guide to arranging your classroom space to maximize play's value and support the child's growing independence
- scheduling suggestions for different grade levels
- ideas to connect centers to the curriculum, giving children greater agency in designing and planning centers.

Renée reveals what can happen when you embrace a culture of inquiry, providing opportunities for children to be explorative and creative in their thinking. She believes that, "A child's engagement is the most powerful asset we have for teaching and learning." Give your students choice time, and watch them engage in joyful, important, playful, age-appropriate work that will empower them to become lifelong learners.

From 'How to use this book' (Renée Dinnerstein)

I wrote this book with two major goals in mind: I want to show what a powerful, authentic, inquiry-based choice time could achieve when placed at the heart of an early childhood classroom. In addition, I want to give teachers everything they would need to implement choice time centers.

The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 begins with "Why Choice Time and Play Are Important".
This chapter presents the research on why play is important and what children can achieve through play as well as a description of the different types of play. The second chapter, "The Classroom Speaks" gives practical ideas for classroom arrangement, lists important materials, and offers suggestions for scheduling choice time in grades preK through 2. The last chapter in Part 1 "A Classroom Where Centers Thrive" focuses on the management of choice time how to plan for centers, implement predictable routines, and use the workshop model. I also answer some questions that teachers frequently ask.

Part 2 focuses on what I might often call the meat and potatoes of choice time. It includes six chapters that present centers that will most likely be regular centers in your classroom. I describe the reasoning behind each center, show how to set it up, and list materials you'll need to begin. I also give ideas for introducing the center, provide some helpful minilessons, and suggest useful changes to keep things fresh across the year. This section of the book provides a practical template that can be used for observing, reflecting, and planning next steps in each center.

If you are a teacher new to choice time, you might want to use the centers just as I've described them and eventually take off on your own. If you've been using choice time already, I hope that this book gives you some new ideas for variations on your existing centers. In either case, I hope that you will heed the central lesson of this book, which is to tailor the centers to the interests of the children in your classroom. A child's engagement is the most powerful asset we have for teaching and learning.

How to Use This Book_VI

Foreword by Kathy Collins_VII

Chapter 1 - Why Choice Time and Play Are Important_1

Chapter 2 - The Classroom Speaks_21

Chapter 3 - A Classroom Where Centers Thrive_36

Chapter 4 - Block Center_50

Chapter 5 - Science Center_66

Chapter 6 - Reading Nook_85

Chapter 7 - Dramatic Play Center_101

Chapter 8 - Math Center_117

Chapter 9 - Art Center_136


Appendix A Planning Tools for Centers_153

Appendix B Observation and Reflection Form for Centers_154


Works Cited_160