The Real Activity Book
The Real Activity Book

Thomas Unruh, Dorothea Nadzeika-Humbaraci

EAN: 9783125127609 (ISBN: 3-12-512760-2)
64 Seiten, geheftet, 21 x 30cm, 1998, 58 Kopiervorlagen

EUR 21,80
alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

The Real Activity Book bietet vielseitige Aktivitäten und Mini-Projekte für den Englischunterricht in Klasse 5 bis 7. Es eignet sich dazu, die Grundfertigkeiten zu trainieren und die Phantasie der Schülerinnen und Schüler anzuregen. Die meisten Vorlagen können in Form von Kopien in die Klasse gegeben werden.



boad games

role cards


58 Kopiervorlagen für den Englischunterricht in den Klassen 5 bis 7/8 aller Schulformen. Handlungs-und komunikationsorientierte Augaben und Mini-Projekte.
Some FAQ about The Real Activity Book4 Preface
Battleships……….6 Playing
A birthday party……….7 Mini-project
Recipes for a birthday party……….8 Producing
Recipes for a birthday party (2) ……….9 Producing
An English or America Breakfast………10 Producing
How to get to Britain………11 Researching
Clustering……….12 Writing
A commercial……….13 Listening
English around the corner……….14 Researching
A class diary……….15 Writing
At the doctor’s……….16 Speaking
At the doctor’s – role cards……..17 Speaking
Farmer, farmer! ………18 Playing
Food and drink……….19 Researching
French Toast……….20 Producing
Getting to know someone……….21 Speaking
English Grand Prix……….22 Playing
Is your class green? A questionaire……….23 Researching
English Grand Prix (board) ……….24 Playing
Letter grids……….26 Writing
Handy Pandy……….27 Playing
How are you? 28 Producing
Blind reading………29 Playing
Knock-a-word……….30 Playing
Mime……….31 Playing
Each letter……….32 Writing
Making money……….33 Producing
Mind maps……….34 Writing
Mother goes shopping……….35 Playing
Write to a pen friend……….36 Writing
Write a poem (1) ……….37 Writing
Write a poem (2) ……….38 Writing
Write a poem (3) ……….39 Writing
Preparing for a presentation (1) ……….40 Presentations
Preparing for a presentation (2) ……….41 Presentations
A Presentiation (3) ………. 42 Presentation
A radio play……….43 Speaking
A reading diary……….44 Writing
Restaurant……….45 Mini-project
Restaurant……….46 Mini-project
Role plays……….47 Speaking
Role cards……….49 Speaking
Sayings with numbers……….49 Writing
A serial……….50 Writing
Drawing snakes……….51 Playing
The shopping game……….52 Playing
The shopping game (board) ……….52 Playing
Making a step-up book……….54 Producing
The Top Ten Show……….55 Listening
Make a weather graph……….56 Resaerching/Producing
Make a weather vane……….57 Resaerching/Producing
The winner takes it all……….58 Playing
The winner takes it all: examples……….59 Playing
Vocab soccer……….60 Playing
Word pictures……….61 Writing
Make a pet book……….62 Writing/Producing
A pet book……….63 Producing
A pet book cover………64 Producing