OECD Reviews of Migration Education Closing the Gap for Immigrant Students - Policies, Practice and Performance Herausgeber: Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD)
OECD Reviews of Migration Education
Closing the Gap for Immigrant Students - Policies, Practice and Performance

Herausgeber: Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD)


wbv Media
EAN: 9789264075771 (ISBN: 92-64-07577-1)
110 Seiten, paperback, 19 x 27cm, 2010

EUR 30,00
alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

OECD Reviews of Migrant Education

Closing the Gap for Immigrant Students


In many OECD countries, Immigrant students have more restricted access to quality education, leave school earlier and have lower academic achievement than their native peers. That makes improving the education of immigrant students a policy priority.

While there has been extensive research on the Integration of migrants into labour markets, little work has been done international to examine the education outcomes of their children and explore education policy interventions to improve their performance. The OECD Reviews of Migrant Education were designed to help policy makers develop and implement migrant education policy that will make a difference.

The OECD conducted policy reviews of migrant education in Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, and examined the migrant education experience in many countries. This book offers comparative data on access, participation and performance of immigrant students and their native peers, and identifies a set of policy options based on solid evidence of what works. The report has been structured äs a concise action-oriented handbook for policy makers. It will also be of special interest to teachers, school leaders, parents and all those who are active in immigrant communities.

For more Information on the OECD's work on migrant education, visit www.oecd.org/edu/migration.
Wie können ausländische und immigrierte Student/inn/en optimal studieren? Wie sind die gegenwärtigen Fakten und welche praktischen Beispiele gelungener Rahmenbedingungen gibt es? Dieser Band bietet auf der Grundlage von Erhebungen in Österreich, Dänemark, Irland, den Niederlanden, Norwegen und Schweden Materialien und Beispiele, wie die Studiensituation für die angesprochene Gruppe verbessert werden kann. Dabei stehen Beispiele von "good practice" im Vordergrund. Gleichwohl muss bedacht werden, dass nicht alle Elemente von einem Land auf ein anderes übertragen werden können. Diese Darstellung bietet zum Zugang, zur Beteiligung und zum Erfolg dieser Studierendengruppe in den jeweiligen Ländern.

Oliver Neumann, lehrerbibliothek.de
Themenbereich: Bildungs- und Sozialforschung
OECD has conducted policy reviews of migrant education in Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden and has examined the migrant education experience in many countries. This book offers comparative data on access, participation and performance of immigrant students and their native peers and identifies a set of policy options based on solid evidence of what works.
Table of Content :
Executive Summary
Chapter 1. Introduction
-Government tools for steering migrant education policy
-Key general messages
Chapter 2. Key challenges and opportunities
-Background factors affecting migrant education policy
-Education outcomes, factors and policy implications
Chapter 3. School level policies
-Language support
-Teaching and learning environments
-Parental and communicty involvement
Chapter 4. System level
-Managing variations and concentration
-Funding strategy
-Monitoring and evaluation
Annex 1 - Description of the project
Executive Summary 7

Chapter 1. Introduction 11

Government tools for steering migrant educationpolicy 13
Key generalmessages 18
Notes 20
References 21

Chapter 2. Key challenges and opportunities 23

Background factors affecting migrant educationpolicy 24
Education outcomes, factors and policy implications 30
Notes A3
References A4

Chapter 3. School levelpolicies 45

Language support 46
Teaching and learning environments 55
Parental and community involvement 67
References 76

Chapter 4. System levelpolicies 81

Managing variations andconcentration 82
Funding strategy 90
Notes 101
References 102
Annex 1. Description of the project 105
References 109