Kenyan-german school partnership cooperation for sustainable development
Kenyan-german school partnership cooperation for sustainable development

Dorcas Otieno, Gisela Führing, Albert Martin Mané, Fred Owuoth

EAN: 9785555555557 (ISBN: 5-555-55555-5)
81 Seiten, 21 x 30cm, Januar, 2003

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Report of the school partnership cooperation programme launch in Kenya ; 28th October - 17th November 2002
Executive Summary
Opening Session
Message from the Director, KOEE
Message from Comenius Institut Representative, Germany
Keynote Address:
Levis Kavagi, Department of Environmental Education-UNEP
Participant´s Expectations
Eco-Schools in Afrca Programme
Schoolpartnership: A Chance for Global Learning
The Role of Geographical Information Systems in Enhancing Environmental Action Learning (EAL)
EM-Technology in Sustainable Development
Integrating Environmental Action Learning (EAL) in Colleges & Schools
Integrating Environmental Education in College Academic Programmes
School Presentations
Sekundarschule Zielitz
Kaimosi Girls´ Secondary School, Tirki
Kaimosi Teachers Training College, Tirki
Paul Gerhardt-Schule, Dassel
Chavakali Secondary School, Serem
Städtische Gesamtschule, Recklinghausen-Suderwich
Lenana High School, Nairobi
Kenya High School, Nairobi
Mittelschule am Burgteich, Zittaut
Mavoko Secondary School, Athi River
Matungulu Mixed Secondary School, Kangundo
OSZ Bürowirtschaft und Dienstleistungen, Berlin
Alliance High School, Nairobi
Kenya Polytechnic, Nairobi
Oberstufenkolleg, Bielefeld
Makini Academy, Nairobi
St. Martins Kibagare School, Nairobi
School Partnership between Kibagare Good News Centre and Peter-August-Boeckstiegel Gesamtschule, Werther
Group Reports on School Visits and their exchange programme
Intercultural Perceptions and Observations
Conclusions and Recommendations
Impressions and Reflections of the Evaluators
Impressions of the German Participants

Media-Reports (Zittau)
The Programme
List of Participants of the Exchange Programme
Useful Internet-Addresses
Myths of Origin (Maasai and Kikuyu)