Holistic Education Resource Book
Learning and Teaching in an Ecumenical Context

Peter Schreiner, Esther Banev, Simon Oxley


238 Seiten, 18 x 23cm, Januar, 2005

EUR 24,90
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A holistic approach to education can sharpen a critical view of the dominant approach to education that is only mind-centred and neglects other dimensions of the human being. This resource book includes texts, comments, and extracts about holistic education from various regions of the world, different areas of concern and many pedagogical approaches and projects. All the material contributes to a holistic approach to education where a focus on interconnectedness and educating the whole person in community is at the centre.
Different types of texts are presented, some theoretical, others practical, coming out of concrete experiences in a specific context.

Whilst a holistic perspective on reality and on education is not new, there is a new recognition of its significance at a time when the dominant world view clearly shows its limits.
The book comes out of the ecumenical movement and is one outcome of the Holistic Education Study Process of the World Council of Churches. It contributes to a dialogue between education philosophy and religious education, spiritual education and the search for peace and justice, reconciliation and healing as a yearning of all human beings.

(Sam Kobia)

I. Getting Started

About this Book
Questions and Answers
Eight Principles of Holistic Education
Mechanistic versus Holistic Education: A Comparison of Educational paradigms
The WCC Study Process an Holistic Education

II. Ideas and Perspectives - Theoretical and Practical Contributions

Contributions to Holistic Education from Different Theories (Peter Schreiner)
Christian Perspectives

Holistic Education: Sign Posts and Warnings (David Goodbourn)
Holistic Education in a Biblical Perspective (John Sutcliffe)
The Pursuit of Wisdom: Holistic Education in the Classical, Biblical and Patristic Tradition (Marcus Plested)
Educating the Whole Person: an Orthodox Perspective (Jessica Rose)
Educational Perspectives

Transmission versus Transformation: Two Models of Education
Education as Transformation
Paulo Freire: 'Banking' Concept versus 'Liberation' Concept
Teaching and Learning in Holistic Education
Educational Approaches with Holistic Elements

Children's Spirituality as Relational Consciousness
Spiritual Education
Godly Play - An Imaginative Approach to Religious Education
The Children and Worldviews Project (Clive Erricker)
'Reclaiming goodness.' Education and the Spiritual Quest
Global Education
Feminist Pedagogy
Critical Pedagogy
Teaching from the Heart
Christian Religious Education - Education for Life
Reggio-Pedagogy (Elsbeth and Helmuth Krieg)
Women in Theological Education: A Reflection
III. Ideas into Action

Case Studies in Holistic Education
Projects with a Holistic Perspective

IV. Resources