English Elements - Refresher B1 Level B1***
English Elements
- Refresher B1

Level B1***

Annie Roth, Sue Morris

EAN: 9783192027338 (ISBN: 3-19-202733-9)
204 Seiten, 21 x 28cm, 2004, mit CD und integr. Arbeitsbuch

EUR 19,90
alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Student's Book

12 units with back-up material for homestudy and 4 revision units for consolidation and exam practice. Including 1 CD with the recordings of all the listening comprehension activities.

ISBN 3-19-202733-9

1 Cassette

Recordings of the listening comprehension activities from the student's book (identical to audio CD).

ISBN 3-19-022733-0

Teacher's Notes

Explanation of the methodology to help teachers use the book to the best effect. Step-by-step guidance for each unit plus suggestions for additional activities.

ISBN 3-19-012733-6
Meiner Meinung nach eine wirklich gelungene Verbesserung des New Refreshers von English Elements. Für Gruppen und für Einzelunterricht geeignet. Jetzt können endlich alle schneller ans 'Ziel'gelangen.
Michaela Rübner, lehrerbibiliothek.de
English Elements - Refresher B1

12 units with back-up material for homestudy - including 1 CD
Lehrbuch mit integrierter CD

Zielgruppe: Lernende, die ihre Kenntnisse aus ca. vier bis fünf Jahren Englischunterricht gezielt in 1-2 Semestern wieder auffrischen wollen. Das Abschlussniveau orientiert sich an den aktuellen Richtlinien des European Language Certifcate in English B1.

Konzeption: Die aktualisierte Ausgabe »Refresher B1« steht ganz im Zeichen der bewährten Struktur von »The New Refresher«. Ein komprimiertes Angebot (12 statt 15 Einheiten plus Back-up-Material) verringert die Durchnahmezeit ohne auf die grundlegenden Redemittel sowie die Grammatik zu verzichten. Zahlreiche aktuelle Lesetexte sind in bestehende Einheiten integriert; vier neue Wiederholungsabschnitte ermöglichen eine Vorbereitung auf das Zertifikat B1.

Weitere Informationen und kostenlose Materialien finden Sie in unserem Lehrwerkservice
1 Getting Started 8
V names; likes and dislikes; family relationships; daily routine
G/F introducing people; question patterns; simple present;
have/has got; there is/there are
S listening for missing words; jigsaw reading; listening for
details; marking word stress; spelling
T listening; word trees and word bank; reading; writing e-mails
and letters; dictionaries; word stress

2 Sports and Hobbies 20
V sports; hobbies; telephoning; food and drink; shopping;
G simple present and present continuous in contrast;
some-any; much-many
S listening for key words; listening for details; telephoning
T listening; vocabulary; reading

3 Behaviour in Society 30
V daily routines; living together; tolerance
G simple present; adverbs of frequency; past tense of regular
and some irregular verbs
S reading for gist; guessing unknown words in a reading text;
identifying word stress
T reading; listening

Revision 1 38

Holidays 42
V holiday experiences
G question and negative forms in the past; past tense of
irregular verbs; simple past vs. past progressive
S jigsaw reading; listening for details; being an interested
listener; writing a postcard
T verb forms; intonation in question tags

5 Law and Order 48
V crime and punishment; lost property office
G present perfect for indefinite past and to show the present
result of a past action; present perfect vs. simple past;
possessive pronouns and adjectives
S predictive reading; predictive listening; using clues in a text;
using contracted forms
T word stress; listening

6 Ecology Down Under 56
V Australia and the environment
G/F future forms: going to, will, present progressive;
suggestions and invitations; agreeing and disagreeing;
appropriate responses
S listening for specific information; reading for details;
T unstressed sounds

Revision 2 64

7 A Question of Luck 68
V weather and forecasts; betting; lottery
G/F if-sentences type 1+2; agreeing and disagreeing; expressing
opinions; discussing; giving advice
S working with word trees; listening for details; reading for
T inferring meaning from context

8 Childhood 74
V changes in routine; notices for rules and regulations
G/F used to; modals: must vs. have to; mustn’t vs. don’t have to;
may, might, must, can’t for deductions
S listening for details; making deductions; predictive reading
T practising grammar outside the classroom

9 The World of Work 82
V jobs; careers; modern office communication
G/F present perfect simple and progressive for unfinished actions;
for and since; asking for clarification
S listening for details; jigsaw reading; predictive reading;
reading for specific information; recognising word stress
T word partnerships; grammar

Revision 3 90

10 Transport & Technology 94
V transport; likes and dislikes; technical improvements
G comparative and superlative of adjectives; gerund and
infinitives; passive verb forms
S listening for details; reading for details
T listening; personalisation

11 Health and Enviroment 102
V healthy habits; safety tips; environment
G/F if-sentences type 3; modal verbs; making polite suggestions
S interviewing; listening for details; note-taking
T sounding natural; diary writing

12 Entertainment 118
V forms of entertainment; films
G reported speech; past perfect
S reading a literary extract; listening for clues; listening for
details; telling a true story; writing a little scenario
T reading for pleasure; exchanging information; writing a story

Revision 4 118

File Section page 122
Grammar Reference Section page 129
Tapescripts page 164
Key page 172
Vocabulary (Unit by Unit) page 181
Vocabulary (Alphabetical Order) page 200
Acknowledgements page 204

V vocabulary // G/F grammar&functions // S skills // T learning tips