Education Today
The OECD Perspective
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
wbv Media
EAN: 9789264059894 (ISBN: 92-64-05989-X)
96 Seiten, paperback, 16 x 23cm, 2009
EUR 24,00 alle Angaben ohne Gewähr
This book presents OECD's main messages regarding the current state of education. Organised into nine sections, this report examines early childhood, schooling, transitions beyond initial education, higher education, adult education, lifelong learning, outcomes and returns, equity, and innovation. Each section offers both key findings and orientations for policy. All sections highlight the main messages in a concise and accessible way, with reference to the original OECD sources.
Auf welchem Stand ist die Bildung heute? Wie sieht es mit der frühkindlichen Erziehung, Schulpolitik und dem tertiären Bildungsbereich aus? Wie werden Schülerleistungen, Bildungsausgaben und Bildungschancen heute eingeschätzt? "Education Today. The OECD Perspective" fasst diese und andere wichtige Aspekte aus dem Bildungsbereich in einer einzigen, gut verständlichen Publikation zusammen. Der Bericht untersucht die frühe Kindheit, schulische Ausbildung und die Übergänge über die Primärausbildung hinaus. Er befasst sich mit Hochschulbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, lebenslangem Lernen, Bildungsergebnissen sowie Bildungszugang und dem Wissensmanagement.
Oliver Neumann, lehrerbibliothek.de
Themenbereich: Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktforschung
Introduction 7
Chapter 1. Early Childhood Education and Gare 9
1.1. Key findings and conclusions 10
1.2. Orientations for policy 14
Chapter 2. Schooling - Investments, Organisation, and Learners 17
2.1. Key findings and conclusions 18
2.2. Orientations for policy 25
Chapter 3. Transitions beyond Initial Education. 31
3.1. Key findings and conclusions 32
3.2. Orientations for policy 36
Chapter 4. Higher Education 39
4.1. Key findings and conclusions 40
4.2. Orientations for policy 45
Chapter 5. Adult Education and Training - Participation and Provision .... 51
5.1. Key findings and conclusions 52
5.2. Orientations for policy 55
Chapter 6. Lifelong Learning 59
6.1. Key findings and conclusions 60
6.2. Orientations for policy 62
Chapter 7. Outcomes, Benefits and Returns 65
7.1. Key findings and conclusions 66
7.2. Orientations for policy 74
Chapter 8. Equity and Equality of Opportunity 77
8.1. Key findings and conclusions 78
8.2. Orientations for policy 82
Chapter 9. Innovation and Knowledge Management 87
9.1. Key findings and conclusions 88
9.2. Orientations for policy 89
Bibliography 93
List of tables
1.1. Main forms of funding for early childhood education and care Services 12
List of figures
1.1. Most children come into education well before the age of 5 years(2006) 10
2.1. Spending per school Student going up 20
2.2. Total number of intended instruction hours in public institutions between the ages of 7 and 14 (2006) 21
3.1. Completion of upper secondary education is now the norm across OECD countries 34
3.2. Expected years in education and not in education for 15-to-29-year-olds (2006) 35
4.1. Population that has attained at least tertiary education (2006) 40
4.2. Distribution of foreign students in tertiary education, by country of destination (2006) 43
5.1. Adults enrolled in education (2006) 53
6.1. Expected time in education for 5-year-olds based on current enrolment patterns (2004) 61
7.1. Percentages in each PISA proficiency level in science (2006) 67
7.2. Percentages in each PISA proficiency level in mathematics (2006) 68
7.3. Percentages in each PISA proficiency level in reading (2006) 68
7.4. Earnings from employment by level of educational attainment for 25-to-64-years-olds by gender, 2006 or latest available year 71
8.1. Women have overtaken men in upper secondary and higher education attainments, äs shown by attainments of different age groups in the adult population in 2006 80
8.2. Mathematics performance by migration Status in 2003 80