British Life and Institutions (book)
British Life and Institutions

Mark Farrell

EAN: 9783125133808 (ISBN: 3-12-513380-7)
144 Seiten, 20 x 24cm, 2000

EUR 15,30
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British Life and Institutions is an in-depth study of British society at a time of important changes. This completely new edition of a well-established title

looks at both the public and private sides of the country and its people.

For students of English at upper intermediate level, this book provides a wealth of fascinating information and opinion. Many opportunities for stimulating discussion and cross-cultural comparison are provided in provocative questions.

Twenty-two chapters cover every aspect of British life, from the economy and the law, to art and popular culture. Ten of the chapters are complemented by authentic interviews. Famous and ordinary people, from the Speaker of the House of Commons to someone who has experienced homelessness on the streets of London, express their own ideas. The interview transcripts are included in the book and the recordings are available on CD (Klett no.513382 ) or cassette (Klett no.513381).
4 People
10 Language
16 Cities
20 Countryside
24 Environment
30 Government
38 Political Paties
44 Britain and the World
50 Economy
56 Law
60 Education
68 Health and Welfare
74 Religions and Beliefs
80 Media
84 Transportation and Communications
90 Film, Theatre and Literature
96 Art and Architecture
102 Music
108 Fashion and Style
112 Food and Drink
118 Leisure
122 Sport
128 Index
130 Glossary