Technical English Basics
Technical English

Alistair MacLean

EAN: 9783808571910 (ISBN: 3-8085-7191-8)
176 Seiten, 17 x 24cm, 2003

EUR 16,00
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Lehrwerk für gewerblich-technische Berufe der Bereiche Metall-, Kfz-, Elektro-, Computer-, Bau- und Umwelttechnik.

Technisches Englisch zu grundlegenden sowie berufsspezifischen Inhalten. Sachtexte und Dialoge, ergänzt durch zahlreiche Übungen, für den handlungsorienteirten Unterricht.

Umfangreiches grundlegendes und spezifisches technisches Fachvokabular.
1 Visisting people abroad
An exchange visit
Information about Bristol
Meeting the Grangers
A telephone conversation
Describing the way
Preparing the trip to the North

2 Cars and Tools
Parts of the car
Is it the alternator?
Car quiz

3 Measuring
Exact measuring units
Basic units
Measuring distances
Measuring weight
Measuring temperature
Measuring electricity

4 Construction
Parts of a house
Careers in building

5 Hardware
Components of a personal computer
Trouble with the sound card
Changing a sound card

6 Software
Kinds of computer software
The computer system at Kristin's company
CAD - Kristin's new subject
2D and 3D

7 Power Tools and Machines
Portable electric power tools
Electric drills
Portable circular saw
Safety regulations
Machines for working on metal
In the training workshop
Finding the defect
Replacing the belt

8 Environment
Environmental problems
An interview
Environmental impacts on air
Environmental impacts on water
Continuing the interview

9 Biotechnology
Biotechnology in our daily lives
Development of biotechnology
Genetically modified foods and enzymes
Environmental protection
Large-scale processes
Basics of molecular genetics

10 Energy
Consumers of energy
How electric energy is generated
How electricity is transmitted
Alternative energies
Hydrogen - Energy of the future

11 Automotive Technology
The workshop's inside
The first day at the workshop
Tool trolley
Car technology
The engine of a car
At the vocational training centre
The brake

12 Working on Metal
Drilling, milling and turning
Sharpening of twist drills
Drilling thin materials
Cylindrical milling
Face milling

13 Electrical Engineering
Measuring instruments
Digital multimeters
Multimeter specifications (excerpt)
Electric motors
Squirrel-cage motors
Mobile phones
Protection against electric shock
Electronic components
Resistor colour coding system

Dictianary English -German

Dictianary German- English