Religion and Education in Europe Developments, Contexts and Debates
Religion and Education in Europe
Developments, Contexts and Debates

Robert Jackson, Siebren Miedema, Wolfram Weisse, Jean-Paul Willaime (Hrsg.)

EAN: 9783830917656 (ISBN: 3-8309-1765-1)
286 Seiten, paperback, 17 x 24cm, 2007

EUR 24,90
alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Recent events have resulted in the return of religion as a subject of discussion, both in the public and social domains, and at national as well as at European levels. This shift has a direct impact on the debates about the relationship between religion and education.

This book is the initial outcome of the REDCo-project, "Religion in Education: A contribution to Dialogue or a factor of Conflict in transforming societies of European countries." The REDCo project (2006–2009) is the first major research project on religion and education to be funded by the European Commission. The project includes ten studies from eight different European countries, plus some collaborative thematic studies. This volume reports the first thematic study, which assesses current issues in religious education and related fields in Europe.

Part one includes discussions of European institutions, including the European Union and the Council of Europe, and includes material relevant to all European countries.

Part two contains historical and contextual analyses of religion and education in the eight participating countries. The contributions discuss the historical tradition and socio-political background of religion in education, as well as the present context of religion in education, including the nature and degree of multiculturalism, the impact of globalisation, and pedagogical trends. The chapters discuss the changing aims in religious education, questions related to the legal framework, as well as policies and pedagogies addressing issues of dialogue and conflict in school and society. These analyses are a foundation for the project's planned empirical and theoretical work. The final chapter (part three) is a reflection on some of the issues raised in the main body of the book.
Globalisierung und Pluralisierung beeinflussen die Bildungssysteme und -institutionen insbesondere in einem sich zunehmend einenden Europa, - das umfasst last but not least auch die Dimensionen religiöser Bildung, die sich in Europa überaus heterogen darstellen, zumal hinsichtlich eines schulischen Religionsunterrichts, - von der Staatskirche bis zur strikten Trennnung von Staat und Kirche finden sich hier vielfältige Spielarten. Interkulturelle und multireligiöse Aspekte treten hinzu, so dass die Rolle von Erziehung, Unterricht und Religion in Europa neu bedacht werden muss. Dieser durchgängig englischsprachige Band wendet sich der Problematik in der ganzen Breite zu und sucht zunächst eine umfassende Wahrnehmung, um daraus Perspektiven für die Zukunft zu entwerfen.

Jens Walter, lehrerbibliothek.de
Religious Diversity and Education in Europe
Cok Bakker, Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Robert Jackson, Geir Skeie, Wolfram Weisse

Globalisation and plurality are influencing all areas of education, including religious education. The inter-cultural and multi-religious situation in Europe demands a re-evaluation of the existing educational systems in particular countries as well as new thinking at the broader European level. This new book series is committed to the investigation and reflection on the changing role of religion and education in Europe. Contributions will evaluate the situation, reflect on fundamental issues and develop perspectives for better policy making and pedagogy, especially in relation to practice in the classroom. The publishing policy of the series is to focus on the importance of strengthening pluralist democracies through stimulating the development of active citizenship and fostering greater mutual understanding through intercultural education. It pays special attentions to the educational challenges of religious diversity and conflicting value systems in schools and in society in general. Religious Diversity and Education in Europe is produced by two European research groups, in which scholars are engaged in empirical and theoretical research on aspects of religion and education in relation to intercultural issues: * ENRECA: The European Network for Religious Education in Europe through Contextual Approaches * REDCo: Religion in Education. A contribution to Dialogue or a factor of Conflict in transforming societies of European Countries The series is aimed at teachers, researchers and policy makers. The series is committed to involving practitioners in the research process and includes books by teachers and teacher educators who are engaged in research as well as academics from various relevant fields, professional researchers and PhD students. It is open to authors committed to these issues, and it includes English and German speaking monographs as well as edited collections of papers. Book proposals should be directed to one of the editors or to the publisher
Wolfram Weisse
The European Research Project on Religion and Education "REDCo".
An introduction 9


Robert Jackson
European Institutions and the Contribution of Studies of Religious Diversity
to Education for Democratic Citizenship 27

Jean-Paul Willaime
Different Models for Religion and Education in Europe 57

Dan-Paul Jozsa
Islam and Education in Europe. With Special Reference to Austria, England,
France, Germany and the Netherlands 67


Jean-Paul Willaime
Teaching Religious Issues in French Public Schools.
From Abstentionist Laicite to a Return of Religion to Public Education 87

Günther Dietz
Invisibilizing or Ethnicizing Religious Diversity? The Transition of
Religious Education Towards Pluralism in Contemporary Spain 103

Fedor Kozyrev and Vladimir Fedorov
Religion and Education in Russia. Historical Roots, Cultural Context
and Recent Developments 133

Pille Valk
Religious Education in Estonia 159

Robert Jackson and Kevin O 'Grady
Religions and Education in England: Social Plurality, Civil Religion and
Religious Education Pedagogy 181

Ina ter Avest, Cok Bakker, Gerdien Bertram-Troost and Siebren Miedema
Religion and Education in the Dutch Pillarized and Post-Pillarized
Educational System: Historical Background and Current Debates 203

Geir Skeie
Religion and Education in Norway 221

Thorsten Knauth
Religious Education in Germany: a Contribution to Dialogue or Source of Conflict?
Historical and Contextual Analysis of the Development since the 1960s 243


Siebren Miedema
Contexts, Debates and Perspectives of Religion
in Education in Europe. A Comparative Analysis 267

List of authors 285