Foul! Cassette

EAN: 9783125709515 (ISBN: 3-12-570951-2)
52 Seiten, 7 x 11cm, 1999

EUR 18,40
alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

Seite 1

1. What`s the matter with Lester?
2. A telephone call
3. At the doctor`s
4. Talking to Linda- first try
5. Talking to Linda- second try
6. Lester the athlete- part one
7. Lester the athlete- part two
8. Leeds United win again- and Lester has another idea
9. Lester the football star- part one

Seite 2
10. The football team
11. Trouble
12. Now what`s the matter with Lester?
13. Linda
14. Team spirit
15. A talk with Duck
16. Lester the football star- part two